Rogers Corporation and all its employees must maintain accurate and complete records (including accounts) that provide a true and fair picture of the company’s business activities and financial position. We must not alter or falsify company records, nor destroy any records except in accordance with our records retention policies.
Rogers Corporation and its employees must provide full, fair and accurate disclosures of company information in a timely and understandable manner as required by law or pursuant to company procedures. Only those authorized to speak on behalf of the company may do so.
We must also comply with generally accepted accounting principles when creating and maintaining our financial records.
Records are any documents created in the course of Rogers Corporation’s business, including contracts, accounts and financial and non-financial documents. Disclosures include documents published, filed or submitted by Rogers to its shareholders, regulators and other third parties as may be required by regulation or company policy. Records and disclosures can be in paper or electronic form, and disclosures may also be made verbally.